Noble Johnson: a Forgotten Pioneer Released on YouTube!

New Content Release

Gigi Morrison

2/19/20241 min read

Noble Johnson: a Forgotten Pioneer has been released on YouTube, it is the culmination of three months of research and dedication from River, myself and Royin. Breaking new ground on a historical figure is always something that we love to open a series on, and Noble Johnson is no different. We hope you all enjoy the video!
Noble Johnson was an African-American actor, writer, and producer whose career co-insides with one of the most racist periods in American history. This episode discusses rumors about his rise to fame, his work in spaces he created and was thrust into, and how most of his legacy remains missing, as well as a look at the roles we can see of him.
River V.C.'s documentary work continues in their attempt to blend insightful research with the video essay style they have grown to admire. With a background and study in film and video, the 12-30 minute documentaries hope to shed light on film heroes of the past.

River’s Mini-Docs (Episodes 1-6) will be available for free on the @ESOCRYPT official YouTube Channel. ESOCRYPT Official will announce the schedule and more information closer to the debut.