Love, Will, and Wisdom Reported on by

Online Pagan news source The Wild Hunt has featured an article highlighting ESOCRYPT Creative Director River Ouellette’s first feature length presentation. Love, Will, and Wisdom is an insightful look at The Temple of Witchcraft, an organization based in Salem, New Hampshire. The article interviews Christopher Penczak, a producer on the Documentary and one of the co-founders of The Temple of Witchcraft as well as published author.
Article author Star Bustamonte Wrote: While Penczak has not seen any of the footage other than what is included in the trailer, he [Penczak] was present for some of the interviews. He said, “It’s been fun to see people who are not necessarily out front but do work like treasurer, Jocelyn VanBokkelen participate in the project.”
We had ESOCRYPT’s own River Ouellette elaborate on the nature of the Temple’s Administrators producer position on the project, and how much influence they had on the final product: “They (Penczak, Kenson, Sartwell) really didn’t have any individual say, I would send them short segments and ask if they were okay with it, but mostly when I was showing specific things like rituals or altars, or when people were saying things so I could fact check and make sure its accurate.”
River went on to explain how the agreement for the temples founders to be producers really wasn’t for financial agreement or content oversight, but instead “more of an open door to the temple’s members, so I always had someone to ask questions to and make sure everyone felt like we were making a good contribution, not only to film and witchcraft history, but to the current community as a whole.”
The project took the better part of a year to create with the directing and editing done by River themself. The soundtrack, though, was made by a member of the temple community, Alexander Bardo. “Bardo was incredible. Mysterious, and inspiring… he operated under an alias, I thought that was the coolest thing because he worked with me solely for the love of it, for the love of making music, being creative, and doing something good for the temple.”