Love, will, and wisdom: The temple of witchcraft documentary
Edited and directed by River Ouellette, Love, Will, and Wisdom is an insightful look into The Temple of Witchcraft, a religious organization based in Salem, New Hampshire through the eyes of experts: High priests, ministers, and founders in the temple. As lots of the people involved with this project are capable authors and speakers, River gives them the floor and lets them move through their personal and unique experiences with witchcraft and the temple. Alexander Bardo does the score, which was both crafted scene by scene for the documentary and incorporates Rites used in temple rituals and initiations.
Co-founded by Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson, and Adam Sartwell, the Temple of Witchcraft started in 1998 as a system of magickal training and personal development, and eventually developed into a formal tradition of Witchcraft. Now, as an outgrowth of the work of students, initiates, and graduates of the programs, the Temple of Witchcraft has evolved into an organization based on traditions of modern magick, Witchcraft, and neopaganism. This documentary follows the founders and several members of the temple as they talk about their past, experiences, and the community within the temple.
Directed by: River Ouellette
original score by: Alexander Bardo
Cast: Christopher penczak, adam sartwell, steve kenson, Jason Gamache, Sam Belyea, Simon Hewett, Nikki Valliere, Jocelyn Vanbokkelen, Daniel Lupacchino, sellena Dear, dawn marie Costorf, Elsa Elliott
stock footage from motionarray