the esocrypt artist guild

the esocrypt artist guild

The ESOCRYPT Artist Guild is a society of artists of any medium. It currently includes Writers, Directors, Fashion designers, Graphic designers, Philosophers, and Musicians who work alongside each other to help elevate the work they produce. We aim to give artists space and the tools to profit from their art fairly and grow themselves into sustainable artists, without forcing them into one job, with unfair contracts or deals and instead bolstering them by providing studio space, another platform to showcase themselves and their work, and services to make money doing their chosen artform.
The Guild is a worker-owned operation that prides itself on allowing our artists creative control over their projects and work, allowing them to tell the stories and narratives they want to how they want to. 

We are a grassroots movement attempting to remain independent and free of corporate overreach as well as resist media imperialism. We rely heavily on kind donations on our official Patreon, merchandise shop, or larger check donations disclosed to our audience. By donating you are going above and beyond to help us allow independent artists the space they deserve to practice their craft freely.
Why leave your entertainment to CEOs and Businessmen? Our Artists here at ESOCRYPT demand not only representational media that reflects the climate of our experiences, but a viable solution for creators to art becoming a traded commodity, balanced and delegated by elites. We aim to give true independent artists a platform and community, as well as defense mechanisms against corporatization, and the perils of the "media landscape"

Our foundation is based on communal management, where we give our underprivileged artists access to workspaces and resources based on their needs, and more seasoned and successful Guildmembers give back when they have made their way. Our job is not to shackle artists to our brand and keep them subservient to our interests. Instead, we want our artists to succeed independently on their own merit and by their own definition. As a guild, our purpose is to create and promote the quality art made by our guildmembers in similar yet modern ways to the Trade Guilds, Associations, syndicates, and markets of old.